Had my first tap class today.
Fun stuff.
Got to practice my parradiddles.

Today a funny thing happened to me today.
So we all know or have seen crazy people.
I hate to sound mean, but you know the kind of people I'm talking about.
The kind that mutter angrily to themselves,
or strike up random conversations with you in the subway.
Well I generally don't think too much about crazy people.
I never really think about what they do to eat and sleep and stuff like that.
But today, I went to this diner for dinner,
and there was a crazy man in front of me in line.
He was muttering to himself and everything.
And he ordered a double cheese burger with
mayonnaise, a TON onions...
(more onions please sir thank you sir more sir thank you so much sir)
and lots and lots of pickles.
It looked like a disgusting mess on a pair of buns.
I never even considered that crazy people would eat crazy things.
It was a strangely thought provoking experience.
But then, thinking about the lives of crazy people for a long time made me kind of sad,
so I stopped.
And the diner I went to was fabulous.
It was so wonderfully cliche.
The guy working there was this greasy old Italian man,
wearing an apron the fit very snuggly under his belly.
It had grease stains on it and everything.
He gave me a free pita.
Before I go, I'll leave you another heart throb.

I would just like to point out his godly bone structure.